What They Are Saying?

Just a Few Comments ...

Sometimes Goodbye takes me to a deeper heart reflection about what it means to lose someone you love.”
Lavender & Rain is a fun and upbeat song that leaves me wanting more. The lyrics have me curious as to what will happen next.”
Candy is a great date night song. No hinting around as to where the night will go!”
When I listen to Passion Suicide, I want to sit around a bonfire and get lost in the lyrics. What a great flow to this song!”
Last night was fabulous! I was so proud and humbled by you my sweet and talented friend! 😊 Great body of work and from the heart. The production and staging were also very impressive and professional. Everyone had such a good time. xoxo”
Dallas' music touches the soul, catching and expressing what others feel when they have a broken heart, be it love or how people are destroying the world. ”
Dallas' songs come from deep inside her and the different emotions that are felt while listening to her music is a beautiful experience. ”

Sacred Songs for the Soul - In Development